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    Seriál: Revenge díl: Struggle (3. série / 15. díl)
    Žánr: drama/mysteriozní
    Země: USA
    Rok výroby: 2014
    Premiéra v EN 16.3.2014
    Režie: C. Misiano
    Hrají: M. Stoweová, E. VanCampová, G. Mann a další
    Krátký popis dílu Struggle
    Open with Emily destroying the carving on one of the railings outside her house.Stevie brings Jack a box with baby pictures. She says she left him about a week after he was born. He's not ready to have her be a part of his life.Patrick goes to a celebration of Jimmy's life held at a bar. He publically calls the man a rapist and spits on his picture. Jimmy's friends begin to beat him.Stevie tells Victoria she plans to destroy the home.Emily goes to Nolan and tells him she "woke up" having... just ruined her father's carving. She's panicked. She says she's going to "kill them all."Victoria bail s Patrick out of jail. He's confused and warms his mother that rage may be consuming him.Nolan tells Aiden he's the only one who can reach Emily at this point.Daniel hires a private investigator to look at Emily.Conrad tells Charlie he's not going to sell the magazine just yet even though he's received a huge offer.Emily breaks into Conrad's place and is discovered under the bed by Aiden. He brings her to a remote location and tells her he's saving her from herself. He's got a bucket of water and begins dunking her head in an effort to tap into her subconscious.After a meeting of the Cultural Arts Board he chairs, Nolan speaking with Victoria. She tells Nolan that his plan to connect Patrick with his father is destroying him. He feels terrible.Jack goes to see Stevie, who he's learned has helped him get a house he wanted. He's not interested in her help. He thinks she's acting out of guilt. She says that's not it and asks him to leave.Nolan pays Patrick a visit. He thinks Patrick has completely changed and doesn't realize it. Nolan invites him to come to the upcoming art walk, which will feature a visit from a famous artist Patrick likes.Aiden's water therapy seems to be having an impact. Emily has a vision of a man in the rain and tells Aiden her father is to blame for everything.At the art walk Victoria tells Stevie she's going to try and have Grayson Manor registered as a historical landmark.After being untied Emily says "it was my father all along." She thinks back to the night before her father was taken. She followed them into the bedroom, saw them having sex and ran away. Her father found Emily on the beach and told her she needed to accept Victoria because he loved her.Patrick shows up at the art walk. He and Victoria discuss Stevie and she talks about "slaying" Stevie.Emily now remembers what she did during her blackouts. It was repressing the memory of her father. Aiden assures her the only mistake her father made was falling for the wrong woman. Emily seems to have new resolve to clear her father.Patrick and the artist discuss one of his works. He tells Patrick he has talent and says he's been looking for an apprentice in Italy.Emily has another flashback of talking to her father as a girl. He makes the carving and tells her it'll be a reminder that no mistake can ever be undone. Emily snaps out of it and looks up to see Jack on her porch. He asks for advice on what to do about Stevie. Emily tells him Stevie's the only parent he has left and perhaps he should give her a shot.Patrick leaves Victoria a message that he doesn't like who he becomes when he tries to protect her. For that reason he wants to leave.Charlie tells Conrad she's heard that Margo's father is on his way to town. Conrad invites her to watch what happens in the meeting.Jack goes to see Stevie. She tells him she had addiction problems back them and was protecting him from who she was then. He invites her to come over the next day to meet her grandson.Nolan and Victoria talk about Patrick leaving the country. She admits to having tried to push him away by saying nasty things about Stevie.The PI returns to Daniel and tells him about Emily breaking into Conrad's place and being taken away by another man. He shows him a picture of Emily and Aiden kissing. Daniel is happy to see the image.Emily tells Nolan she thinks she's made progress. He brings her a special safe with her father's design on the top that can only be opened by her fingerprint. Emily thinks of something and looks at her father's journal. He talks about being visited in prison by Stevie in 1997. She gave him hope, but was soon after disbarred. Emily tells Nolan she's going to find out of all of Stevie's secrets.
    Diskuze k seriálu Struggle
    Relativně průměrný seriál, který si zahrává s největším motivačním motoremlidí - totiž s pomstou. Bohužel jsem člověk, který si nepotrpí na honoraci a jelikož se vesměs seriál odehrává pouze v tomto prostředí, rychle jsem ho opustil
    Na seriál se docela dobře kouká a asi za to mamutí částí přispělo především docela solidní obsazení, ale už to není seriál, který se byť jen trochu dobře hltá. Seriál je jak pomsta v prostředí elity, asi nejvíce mi připomíná Monte Christa, jenom hlavní hrdinka se žena a ma jiný důvod, aby to nebylo tak očividné.
    Musím opravit...
    Musím opravit své předchozí hodnocení o jednu hvězdičku. Šlo víceméně o předsudky. Ale přesto. Na začátku první série měl seriál úplně jiné kvality než na konci. Každý díl mě překvapil dobrým pocitem z příběhu a čekala jsem kdy si to zkazí. A ještě víc mě překvapilo, když nic takového nepřišlo. Jdu na druhou sérii a doufám, že opět nezklame.