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    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Seriál: Chicago Med díl: Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War (8. série / 3. díl)
    Žánr: drama/drama
    Země: USA
    Rok výroby: 2022
    Režie: C. S. Carroll
    Hrají: N. Gehlfuss, B. Tee, D. Rains a další
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Popis dílu Winning the Battle, but Still Losing the War
    Kvôli chýbajúcim liekom a novým protokolom podnikne Will pri liečbe svojho pacienta zúfalý krok. Crockett a Vanessa sa snažia presvedčiť Abramsa, aby operoval ich pacienta. Nepomôže im ani to, že Abrams má s Crockettom spory. Do nemocnice sa vracia mladý muž so schizofréniou, ktorý trpí bludmi. Daniel sa kvôli nemu poháda s mladou kolegyňou. Ethan lieči tehotnú pacientku a požiada Hannah o pomoc. Pacientka ju však ako lekárku odmieta.
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